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Enhancing Data Science With Software Engineering

September 20, 2023
1:00 pm ET/10:00 am PT
60 min

Are you a data scientist looking to elevate your technical prowess and streamline your data-driven projects? 

Join us for an immersive workshop that bridges the gap between data science and software engineering.

In today's data-driven world, possessing strong software engineering skills is essential for efficiently managing, analyzing, and deploying data science solutions.

Can’t make the event?

Register anyway and we’ll send you a copy of the recording after the event!

Who is the workshop for?

No experience is required to attend! This is a no-strings-attached opportunity for you to gain knowledge and find out if data science is something you’re passionate about. Just show up, and learn something new!

Have trouble accessing the event?

Email [email protected]

**This webinar is for users with a Zoom account. New to Zoom? Sign up free.**

Our success is your success

Education should be the best investment you can make for your future. We provide independently verified student outcomes for every person that graduates from our program.

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