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Cybersecurity Essentials | Intro to Cyber Risk Management | Online

November 16, 2022
6:00 pm ET/3:00 pm PT
90 minutes

Join Flatiron School as we dive into cybersecurity risk management and the strategic approaches to prioritizing threats.

The frequency and severity of cyber attacks have steadily increased in recent years. Boosted by increasingly sophisticated tactics and the use of cutting-edge technology, malicious actors have prospered.

In this workshop you’ll receive an overview of risk management principles, processes, frameworks and techniques that can be applied specifically to Cybersecurity as well as risk in general.

What You’ll Learn

  • What cyber risk is and how it can be managed
  • How to identify, assess and articulate risks
  • How to apply risk management concepts
  • Tools and techniques to help you implement and maintain a risk management framework

Who is the workshop for?

No experience is required to attend! If you’ve had some experience with cybersecurity in general, there is still a lot to learn from this workshop. This is a no-strings-attached opportunity for you to gain design knowledge and find out if cybersecurity is something you’re passionate about. Just show up, and learn something new!

Have trouble accessing the event, email [email protected]

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