March 8, 2022
6:30 pm ET/3:30 pm PT
90 minutes
Curious about the mystery behind how a computer recognizes images but don’t know where to begin? Flatiron School’s introductory workshop is a great place to start!
Join Flatiron School as one of our lead Data Science instructors demonstrates the technology behind how a computer actually sees. First we’ll dive into the basics of how a computer looks at an image. Followed by how your computer turns this information into something machine-readable. Then we’ll take a quick look at the data that can be used to train a simple machine learning algorithm to make predictions about new images.
What you’ll learn:
Who is the workshop for?
No experience is required to attend this workshop! If you’ve had some experience with Data Science in general, there is still a lot to learn from this workshop. This is a no-strings-attached opportunity for you to gain technical knowledge and find out if Data Science is something you’re passionate about.
Just show up, and learn something new!
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